Since Sun Valley is lucky to be in the 10% minority which can experience this exceptional view of the night sky, we should all band together to protect this heavenly resource. Light pollution hinders the full potential of stargazing by literally making the stars fade away.
Personally, I am lucky live on the street where none of my neighbors have lights that stay on all night. They courteously installed lights with motion detectors or have lights that only turn on when they turn them on. But behind me sits a house with lights on all night whether they are here or not. Also, a house close to Sun Valley Road has a light that burns nonstop all night which literally blinds everyone of us when we drive home in the dark.
For several decades, many SW national parks and cities created strict lighting ordinances to impose limits and curfews on lights at night. Then, in 1999, the State of New Mexico passed the Night Sky Protection Act. This statute states:
- The purpose of the Night Sky Protection Act is to regulate outdoor night lighting fixtures to preserve and enhance the state's dark sky while promoting safety, conserving energy and preserving the environment for astronomy.
- To see if YOUR lights are in compliance, see the full statute at:
Our night sky is a treasure worthy of protection from light pollution.
- Be sure that your outdoor lighting fixtures meet the requirements and spirit of the Night Sky Protection Act. An added benefit of compliant lighting is that it is often more energy efficient than older non-compliant fixtures
- As a rule of thumb, good outdoor lighting fixtures need to be shielded and downward-facing. No light should escape above the horizontal plane.
- By law, no mercury vapor light fixtures or replacement bulbs are allowed in the state.
- It makes good economic sense to buy only those fixtures that are shielded and otherwise in compliance.
The “spirit” of our laws and ordinances
is to create a safe, secure, environment that places light only where it
is needed, saves energy, prevents glare, light trespass, energy waste,
sky-glow, unnecessary over lighting, and protects the magnificent night
sky. As New Mexicans (or a visitor), you too, share in and appreciate the benefits of
appropriate lighting and a better, safer, more night-friendly
This "Here's what you can do" information from
This "Here's what you can do" information from