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Friday, June 19, 2015

Musk Thistles

You may think this flower looks pretty, but once it takes over your property, you no longer have wildflowers. Each Musk Thistle  flower head produces 1,200 seeds, so a single thistle could have 120,000 seeds, which easily blows right into to your neighbor's property (making him/her very unhappy.)  Vinegar of  a strong variety is available through the Lincoln County noxious weed program for FREE.  Bring you own gallon jugs to fill.  To learn more about how to control the Musk Thistle, print out this PDF available online:  

[PDF]MUSKTHISTLE - Lincoln County

Free vinegar at these places:
  •   The Village of Ruidoso Parks and Recreation Department out by Gindstone Lake at 801 Resort Dr. in Ruidoso.  Phone: 575-257-5030.
  • Upper Hondo Soil and Water Conservation District @ 516 Smokey Bear Blvd in Capitan. Phone:  (575) 354-2220, fax (575) 354-2515

Sun Valley Garage Sales

For a couple of years, several homeowners planned a street- or subdivision-wide Garage Sale.  Well, no one is planning or organizing this event anymore.  So, just for your information,  one home owner on Snow Park (who is moving) plans to have a garage sale on Saturday, July 11 from 8 -12.  If  others plan a garage sale on the same day and advertise, it will almost be like the previous "Sun Valley Garage Sale" day in the past.   I was asked to announce this and I am happy to pass the information along to you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sign up with CODE RED

Lincoln County Code Red is asking residents and others with property in Lincoln County to please go to their website and sign up to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. 

Emergency Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.

Please go to and click on the Code Red Banner to enter/update your information, including additional phone numbers, and text and email addresses, to ensure all of the data in the system is accurate and current.

If you know of anyone who did not recently receive a call/text/email from CODE RED, please encourage them to visit the Lincoln County website and enter their information.

If you do not have Internet access, please contact a friend or family member to help add your contact information to the emergency database. You can also call the Lincoln County Office of Emergency service directly at 575-336-8600 for assistance.